Buckley, WA

McGranahan Architects


SCJ provided civil engineering design services for the White River High School’s new grandstand and parking lot project.

New construction for the project included a grandstand to host 1,400 attendees, a stadium entrance, space for concessions, and new training rooms.

Site modifications included relocating the existing stands to the visitor side; designing a large, onsite septic system for the grandstands; paving a fire lane; and providing stormwater conveyance and new water service.

SCJ also designed a 261-stall parking lot for the school, work that included erosion control, grading, drainage, and paving improvements.


“After the newness wears off, we’ll know we’ve been successful when our work goes unnoticed. When the fans don’t have to think about the lot where they park their car or how well the restrooms work. When the grandstands aren’t something to see, but something they look past without a second thought, then we’ll know we’ve done our jobs.”

Ross Jarvis
Senior Project Manager