Wenatchee, WA

City of Wenatchee

2009 to 2015

Downtown Wenatchee’s 20+ year-old streetscape, and nearly centuryold infrastructure, was in need of evaluation for replacement or renovation. The City successfully secured CRB grant funds for a significant infrastructure renovation downtown. In the summer of 2013, the City of Wenatchee received notice that the grant funds needed to be spent in 2014, or the funds would be lost.

SCJ Alliance was contracted to work with the City to define a scope of improvements within available funds that accomplished the City’s goals. We developed concepts; gained buy-in; and prepared final plans for construction in the summer of 2014 to build ADA improvements, pavement restoration, sewer linings, water system upgrades, decorative crosswalks, and traffic signals. The project also included wayfinding signage and median curbing to discourage regional truck traffic downtown.

SCJ continues to work with downtown businesses, property owners, and the Wenatchee Downtown Association to create a streetscape plan for the downtown core. The plan includes at-grade and above-ground planting plans, a site furnishing plan, and a tree replacement program to be implemented over a number of years using local improvement district funding and/or future grants.


“Since 2009 we have been working directly with the Wenatchee Downtown Association to not only replace aging utilities, but to develop a vision for a streetscape facelift. We are excited to continue our partnership in the beautification or our main street–the place our Wenatchee staff calls home.”