Washington State
Washington State Transportation Commission
2017 - 2019
The Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) partnered with SCJ to update the statewide transportation policy document known as the Washington Transportation Plan. Every six years, the WSTC is federally required to update this long-range plan which documents the vision, goals, and policy recommendations for the state’s entire transportation system.
A critical element was coordinating a multi-tiered engagement effort to shape and refine the contents of the plan. Outreach included WSTC Leadership Team meetings, Stakeholder Advisory Group sessions, and a series of public open houses. To efficiently and effectively convene stakeholders located across the state, our team facilitated webinar meetings and used online survey tools to encourage active participation from committee members.
SCJ also partnered with August Creative to translate what has traditionally been a print document into Washington state’s first interactive, web-based policy plan. Moving the plan online presents an opportunity to reach a broader audience and keep the content current.
It was wonderful working with the WSTC project team to make their vision for a 21st Century plan a reality.