Winthrop, Washington

Town of Winthrop


The Town of Winthrop retained SCJ staff to design street, stormwater, water and sewer  improvements. The existing street was reconstructed and widened to provide bike lanes, curb and gutter, and sidewalk on one side. The Town’s water system was updated and re-constructed along with spot sanitary sewer repairs.

A new stormwater system was constructed that protects the adjacent Chewack River from receiving untreated stormwater and siltation and protects nearby properties from flooding. SCJ assisted the Town through a multi-year funding effort that included securing FHWA funds for the street work and a DWSRF low interest loan for the water system upgrades.


“SCJ has helped us implement local planning priorities. They set a new standard that aims to make our streets safer for all users.”

Rocklynn Culp, Town Planner
Town of Withrop


“The right of way within the project limits is narrow in places and the existing ground within the project area is relatively steep. The new widened road was difficult to locate within the right of way while maintaining reasonable access for abutting property owners. Resolving and working through these issues with adjacent property owners and Town staff was key to the project’s success.”

Dave Allen, PE
Project Manager