Winthrop, WA
Town of Winthrop
2015 - present
The Town of Winthrop hired SCJ Alliance to design and permit a pedestrian path along the Chewuch River and a pedestrian underpass beneath the SR 20 bridge that spans the river. The bridge is owned by WSDOT and in return for approving the trail underpass, they are requiring the town’s project to repair existing bridge scour problems and address riverbank erosion issues at the bridge.
The trail is designed to connect downtown businesses while relieving pedestrian congestion during the busy summer months and improving parking problems. The path will connect with the existing Susie Stephens trail. The project is in the permitting phase.
“The Chewuch River is home to three ESA-listed fish species. The challenge is coming up with a trail design and construction methods that will get the job done, get permitted, and protect threatened and endangered fish all at the same time.”
Dave Allen, PE
Project Manager