Port Orchard, WA

City of Port Orchard


The City of Port Orchard partnered with SCJ Alliance to conduct a corridor study for Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road. Building on previous efforts, our Transportation Planning and Design teams created a conceptual corridor design that addresses existing deficiencies, supports anticipated economic growth, and improves mobility for all road users.

The project included demand forecasting and operational analysis, alternatives analysis, conceptual roadway and stormwater design, cost estimation, and stakeholder engagement.

After confirming future land use assumptions and forecasting volumes, our team analyzed traffic operations, evaluated design alternatives, and developed a project phasing and funding strategy.

To clearly communicate the proposed improvements to the Mayor and City Council, our Transportation Design team created realistic 3D renderings and a drive-through video of the future corridor.

Throughout the project, we coordinated with stakeholders such as Kitsap Transit and WSDOT. We also facilitated a public open house and several City Council work sessions to ensure our plan addressed the community’s needs.

As a part of our engagement effort, we administered an online survey, maximizing inclusion, which garnered over 600 responses. The final corridor plan was adopted by the City Council in September 2018.


“Based on feedback from the City Council to maintain a more pedestrian-friendly roadway profile, we took a ‘wide-nodes, narrow-roads’ approach to the conceptual design for Bethel Road. Leveraging the operational benefits of roundabout intersections to reduce the roadway width between intersections, making more space for multimodal facilities while reducing right-of-way and environmental impacts.”

Brad Shea, PE
Senior Project Manager