Ashland, Oregon

City of Ashland


SCJ was hired as part of a multi-disciplinary team to prepare a master plan for 94 acres northeast of the City of Ashland. The Normal Avenue Neighborhood Plan will guide changes to the area as property owners seek annexation to the City. We assisted in the development of a system of streets to accommodate all travel modes and connect the neighborhood to the surrounding community, while at the same time minimizing adverse traffic impacts.

Identifying a system of greenways, using existing stream corridors and wetlands to both protect the natural areas and provide for safe walking and bicycling, was also part of our charge. The project included use of multimodal levels of service and an assessment of crash-predictive factors to weigh trade-offs among transportation improvement options.


“I was excited to be a member of a dynamic team of architects, planners, and engineers to visualize a future residential community where sensitivity to the natural environment was such an important goal.”

Anne Sylvester, PTE
Transportation Engineer