Seattle, WA
City of Seattle
2018 - Present
Delridge Way runs four miles through West Seattle, connecting the area’s 80,000 residents to downtown via the West Seattle Bridge.
The Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT) Delridge Project is a large design and construction management project that SCJ Alliance is leading for the City of Seattle. Improving transit speed and reliability, as well as providing safe connections between the Delridge community and alternative modes of transportation, are the focus of this bus and rapid transit (BRT) project.
When complete, the 20 new RapidRide stops will host King County Metro’s new RapidRide H Line. Features include queue jumps at signals, transit signal priority, ORCA readers, lighting, shelters, and more.
While working in the corridor, SDOT made other upgrades to limit future disruptions to the public and save money. The four-mile project corridor includes two miles of improved concrete roadway and two miles of targeted pavement panel replacement.
The upgrades aim to improve safety and efficiency on routes to schools and workplaces, and include new BRT-only and peak-hour lanes as well as protected bicycle lanes. Two new rectangular rapid flashing beacon signals enhance safety at crosswalks.
New transit priority hardware and programming was added to 11 existing signals, as well as to street and transit stop lighting. The sanitary sewer, water, and storm drainage systems also received enhancements. The project includes more than 100 ADA curb ramp reconstructions.
SCJ’s Seattle transportation design team worked alongside SDOT and KCM planners, engineers, and project managers to bring this project to completion on time and under budget. SCJ engineers also worked with SDOT to orchestrate public outreach and incorporate suggestions from the community and stakeholders.
The Delridge Multimodal Corridor is currently under construction and the SCJ team, including KBA, is providing full-time construction management and inspection staff in partnership with SDOT.
Learn more on SDOT’s website.
“This project came together as a result of several strong partnerships, as well as the pride of work, ownership, and talent of the SCJ Design team. It was a pleasure to work with the project team and partners to bring the design to reality.”
Jordan Graham, EIT
Project Engineer/Field Inspector