
Delridge Way Multimodal Corridor Improvements


Seattle, WA


City of Seattle


Prime Consultant


Delridge Way SW was identified as one of seven routes in Seattleā€™s RapidRide Expansion network. In 2021 partnership with King County, this project upgraded King County Metro Route 120 to RapidRide H Line between the West Seattle Bridge and south City of Seattle limits and added features to improve transit speed and reliability. The $50M construction project was completed in 2023. SCJ led this project and delivered PS&E, right of way, and full-service construction inspection and management services. Extensive improvements were designed and constructed along this 4-mile corridor and adjacent residential neighborhood, including:

  • 20 new RapidRide Transit Stations
  • Sidewalk repair and completion of gaps in the sidewalk network
  • 156 ADA curb ramps
  • New planted, and irrigated, median islands and planter strips
  • Property interfaces along 4-miles of a residential neighborhood
  • Reconstruction of existing PCC pavement
  • Overlay of existing HMA pavement
  • New and removed crosswalks
  • Speed humps and traffic calming devices
  • Extensive pavement markings for transit, bikes, vehicles, and pedestrians
  • New bike lanes and protected bike lanes
  • Right of way coordination, TCE exhibits
  • Water, Sewer, and, stormwater improvements
  • Utility Undergrounding
  • Illumination
  • 12 modified signals
  • Two new RRFBs