Grant County, WA

Grant County PUD


In 2008 Grant PUD received a new license to operate Priest Rapids and Wanapum Dams. The license requirement included improvements to 23 recreation sites on the mid-Columbia River.

Grant PUD lands and recreation department engaged the landscape architects and engineers at SCJ Alliance in the development of schematic plans, permit drawings, construction documents and specifications for over ten recreation sites in Grant, Douglas and Kittitas counties. Services also included critical areas assessment, mitigation plans and public involvement on several of the projects.

Among the projects were three boat launches on the Wanapum reservoir including: Apricot Orchard, Frenchman and Vantage.  SCJ designers were primarily responsible for all design above ordinary high water, working in collaboration with a marine engineer focused on design work below high water mark.  Facilities included: tow vehicle and auto parking, restroom facilities, trails and picnic areas.