Port Townsend, WA
City of Port Townsend
Water Street from the Ferry Terminal to Taylor Street functions as the public entrance to historic Port Townsend. Despite having classic architecture and waterfront views, the street and sidewalks in many places were in disrepair, unappealing, unsafe, and for those less able, sometimes even inaccessible. SCJ helped to make the area inviting and safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars alike. We extended the inviting look and feel of previous Water Street improvements all the way to this gateway for the historic downtown area. Additionally, other area benefits were woven into the project, from improving street drainage to adding more trees to laying the foundation for undergrounding utilities. Work included roadway reconstruction, stormwater and rain gardens, wider ADA sidewalks and plaza areas, seat walls, bulb-outs, bike lanes, and street lighting. In April of 2019, this project won the Outstanding Special Project award for Main Streets America.