Civil Engineering

Discovery Road Two Way Cycle Track and Sidewalk Improvements


Port Townsend, Washington


City of Port Townsend


Prime Consultant

SCJ helped the City of Port Townsend secure a Transportation Improvement Board grant, which funded extensive improvements along Discovery Road from Rainier Street to Sherman Street. These improvements included a two-way bikeway on the south side of the road, sidewalks on both sides, and speed-calming features such as raised crosswalks, a raised intersection, chicanes, and median refuge areas.

Sidewalk profiles were designed independently from the roadway to align with existing grades, which allowed for the use of planter strips and avoided the need for right of way or temporary construction easements. Special mixing zones were created to manage the interactions between cyclists and pedestrians, particularly in transition areas like crosswalks and bus stops. Additionally, SCJ designed the replacement of water and sewer lines to coincide with the roadway reconstruction.

SCJ also provided design and environmental services, preparing a SEPA Checklist, a NEPA Documented Categorical Exclusion, and supporting technical analyses in coordination with WSDOT Local Programs. Environmental permit applications included a Section 404/401 permit with the US Army Corps of Engineers and Washington State Department of Ecology, as well as a Critical Areas Permit with the City of Port Townsend.