
Airway Heights Planning Suite


Airway Heights, WA


City of Airway Heights


Prime Consultant

SCJ has worked on multiple projects for the City of Airway Heights, including a US 2 corridor plan, a comprehensive plan update, and a public art strategy. Another of our projects is the Industrial Subarea Plan, which looked at a comprehensive industrial development strategy, master planning more than four square miles of industrial land to accommodate a wide variety of aviation-related and manufacturing uses. The project also included a complete infrastructure analysis, preparing an infrastructure phasing plan, and long-range capital projects budget to bring the area online in development phases. Working with several agency partners, SCJ completed the project within budget and in time to inform budgeting decisions for the City, Spokane Airport, the City of Spokane, and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). WSDOT followed up on this work with its next-generation corridor sketch plan, retaining Leland Consulting Group to assist in further exploring land use development intensity and timing.