Belfair, Washington

Mason Transit Authority

2017 - 2020

As Mason Transit Authority’s consultant, SCJ Alliance led the permitting, design, and construction administration for a roundabout at SR 3 and Log Yard Road.

We worked closely with WSDOT to complete an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) to determine that a roundabout was the preferred intersection control type. As a part of the ICE, SCJ led stakeholder and public engagement to touch on local issues and determine the appropriate design parameters for local freight traffic.

In partnership with CenturyLink, Mason PUD 3, and Belfair Water District, our team helped relocate utilities as necessary for the new construction.

The roundabout will provide safe access to the future MTA Belfair park and ride, as well as provide future control for a connection to the Belfair freight mobility corridor.


“It was really exciting to design a roundabout for an area that sees a lot of freight traffic. We met several times with key stakeholders to determine the vehicles we were expected to see and went to the drawing board to see how we could make it work. It turned out great and it’s cool to see trucks able to navigate it smoothly.”

Patrick Holm, PE
Project Manager